Getting Started Guide

Original bTres

Pronounced as (B-T-Res)
Getting Started Guide
Thanks for purchasing your bTres! 

Brief History

After getting the DS1 for my S8, I quickly realized the opportunity to bring the real-time data made available by DS1 to a screen in my car in as close to an OEM style experience as I could.  The first step was writing the HTML/Javascript/CSS and giving it to John & Mitch @ Dyno Spectrum to incorporate into their DS1 software so all could enjoy.  Thankfully they fully embraced it.  I went on to utilize a bunch of hardware to make it fully supported on the MMI.  The problem was that I could listen to my music or see my GPS directions or change screens with a touch of the screen (mmi isn’t a touch screen).  So while it looked awesome, the utility of it was limiting and annoying.  I decided to take on the ambition of what you see today even though I had zero experience in 3d modeling, 3d printing or the needed programming language I chose to build the bTres.  My goal was never to make the bTres for sale.  I was originally making it for myself, but after I posted some videos of a prototype on facebook, the outpour of support was simply amazing and it got me fired up to commit to making this a viable solution for many.  My main goals was to keep it simple, keep it sexy, keep it as oem looking as possible and to keep supporting it with free future updates.


Our work is Copyright Better Than, Inc, protected by encryption and subject to US law. We reserve the right to deploy our considerable countermeasures to detect and prevent piracy. If you are skilled enough to hack our product, please make your own innovations instead.

All trademarks are acknowledged of any vehicle manufacturer or other company mentioned. Unless explicitly stated, we are not associated with any of them.

We hold the minimal personal data about you to serve you as a customer. If you receive communications from us that you don’t want, tell us.

Supported vehicles

It's pretty simple bTres will work on any vehicle that has a working DS1 device by Dyno Spectrum.  They are constantly adding more car models to their supported list.  That said, the current models that bTres has an official mount for are the RS3, TTRS, S6, RS6, S7, RS7, A8, and S8.  But if your vehicle isn’t on this list, many people have created simple mounts for bTres to position them where they want.  I’ve even seen some people create some cool carbon fiber mounts.

OK now for the actual guide, click here

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